Quantum Graphite

A Proven Producer Uniquely Delivering a Vertically-Integrated Exposure to a 100% Renewables Powered Grid


Quantum Graphite

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Company Name

Quantum Graphite Ltd

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Commodity Exposure


Project Locations

South Australia, Australia

Stock Performance

Quantum Graphite's share price history, market cap, and detailed financials.


Quantum Graphite Ltd (ASX: QGL) is the ASX-listed owner of the century-old Uley Graphite Mine and the broader Mikkira Graphite Deposit located in South Australia's Eyre Peninsula – one of the world's largest natural coarse flake graphite deposits.

Quantum Graphite is a proven producer of flake graphite products supporting the full spectrum of applications from traditional refractory markets to the emerging expanded graphite sectors and the fast moving energy technologies sector. It is the only company that provides exposure to both Li-ion electrical based batteries and long duration deep energy storage batteries utilising the latest thermal energy storage technologies.

Quantum Graphite's Uley Graphite Mine has a long history of producing high purity coarse flake graphite with a product mix serving a number of thermal applications including refractories and oil and gas drilling fluids.

Quantum Graphite's product mix is highly sought after. It is free from deleterious elements and ideally-suited to environmentally-sensitive mechanical purification processes. Our continued investment in advanced processing technologies will support the emerging EV battery market and contribute the critical thermal storage media essential to long duration energy storage needed to decarbonise global electricity grids.

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Company Location

Head Office

349 Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000, Australia


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